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Remote Potable Water Hauling Subsidy Program

Rural Potable Water Hauling Subsidy Program Policy #UT02

This subsidy has been created to provide a fair and equitable subsidy to Saddle Hills County residences that will not be able to connect to the rural potable waterline system. 

As per Guideline 1b. Council have prescribed the following areas as eligible for the subsidy:

  1. Gundy, from Township Road 770 to Township Road 752, and from Range Road 125 west to the B.C. border.
  2. The area known as Doe River, west of the Pouce Coupe River and south of the Peace River to the B.C. border.
  3. Properties located at NE 35-78-13-W6 and NE 07-78-13-W6.

Image of map of Gundy  Image of map of Doe River  

Eligible residences will receive subsidies at a rate of $15 per cubic meter, not exceeding 120 cubic meters, to a maximum of $1,800 per year. Please submit a separate application for each residence on the property.

Each year, residents who wish to be included must let the County know by completing the following form. At the end of the year, residents will use the same form to submit their receipts. The deadline for applications is January 31 of the following calendar year.

Please note that the subsidy will only be funded once per residence, per calendar year and that the water must be for domestic use only.

You must submit valid documentation showing the date the water was hauled or purchased within the year and the number of cubic meters purchased.

By signing below, the applicant acknowledges that the payment of the subsidy amount to the applicant will be contingent upon the applicant submitting to Saddle Hills County copies of valid documentation of potable water hauled
Do you have receipts to upload at this time?

Notice of Collection

Protection of Privacy - The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purpose of ensuring eligibility for water service connection, and facilitating the connection of rural water services. Upon appointment, your identifying information may be released to the general public. Direct any questions about this collection to:  FOIP Coordinator, Saddle Hills County, RR 1, Spirit River, Alberta, Canada, T0H 3G0, 1-888-864-3760.

Please send me a pdf copy of this form

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