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Approach Permit Application

If you are looking to build a new approach to your property from a developed County road, you will need to complete and submit an Approach Permit Request, as outlined in Policy PW20. With the exception of industrial approaches, Saddle Hills County will provide one approach per quarter section on developed County roads and an additional approach per quarter section where a natural obstruction such as a waterway or ravine prohibits access to a portion of the quarter. This is provided at no cost to the landowner. Landowners may request changes to the approach or construct their own approach, under certain conditions.

Is the proposed access a new access or an alteration of an existing access?
Does the proposed access benefit more than one landowner?
Does the proposed access connect to a road under the jurisdiction of the Province of Alberta?
Does the proposed access require a culvert?
What type of land use/property is the proposed access for?

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

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